Hyde Owens Habitation :: Stone Merchants
Riven Caithness flagstone is one of Scotland’s most valuable natural resources. Its unique property is that it has been laid down in distinct layers.
These beds occur in different thicknesses and can be opened up with simple tools to reveal naturally textured surfaces that vary one from the next, some rippled, some dimpled, some embossed, generally flat, though, and smooth to touch.
This versatile, indigenous and characterful stone is ever-popular for hearths. We offer rugged, dark, variegated slabs, natural shapes, rectangular or cut to suit. We also have in stock regular cut blue-grey from 20mm to 40mm thick. This material is suitable for flooring as well as hearths. Thinner pieces can be used for wall cladding, fire recesses, showers, to mention just a few uses.
Being flat on both sides, larger chunks are ideal for forming giant building blocks, as in this retaining wall
Diverse other applications:
This unique sedimentary stone from the north of Scotland naturally splits into layers of different thicknesses and lends itself to all kinds of functions:
Irregular slabs create authentic paths, patios and other paved areas
Window cills, doorsteps, skew stones, chimney caps and other building components and appliications
The riven surfaces of the layered stone can be very attractive and distinctive, setting Caithness flagstone apart from other stones worldwide.